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HIV Justice Network: Have you signed up to the Oslo Declaration on HIV Criminalisation?


Find out more about the reasons for the Oslo Declaration, and why HIV criminalisation is doing more harm than good to public health and human rights, and sign the declaration here!


HJN Logo RectangleHave you wanted to learn about how policy and guidance is developed for complex issues such as the prosecution of reckless or intentional transmission of HIV?

If you have, watch this video documentary by the HIV Justice Network! Doing HIV Justice: Clarifying criminal law and policy through prosecutorial guidance.  The video demystifies the process of how civil society worked with the Crown Prosecution Service of England & Wales to create the world’s first policy and guidance for prosecuting the reckless or intentional transmission of sexual infection. The result is fewer miscarriages of justice and a better understanding of HIV throughout the entire criminal justice system.

This 30 minute educational and advocacy video explains how the guidance was developed, what challenges the key stakeholders faced and overcame, and what benefits have resulted.

Featuring Lisa Power (interviewee), Policy Director, Terrence Higgins Trust, London. Yusef Azad (interviewee), Director of Policy and Campaigns, NAT, London. Arwel Jones (interviewee), Head of the Law & Procedure Unit, Crown Prosecution Service Strategy & Policy Directorate, London. Edwin J Bernard (presenter), Co-ordinator, HIV Justice Network.

The financial contribution of UNAIDS is gratefully acknowledged.


Also from the HIV Justice Network, hear from a range of experts about how criminalisation of HIV transmission causes More Harm Than Good.


Please contact info@hivjustice.net for more information.


{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Gilbert Hayes November 15, 2013, 7:43 pm

    Hopefully this will make it easier to find the information you need for your work, whether it be research into the impacts of HIV criminalisation ; advocacy to prevent, reform, repeal or modernise existing HIV-specific criminal statutes or to limit the use of the law through prosecutorial and police guidance ; or in promoting alternatives such as a supportive legal and policy environment via a human rights framework; restorative justice via a criminal justice framework; or Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention via a public health framework.

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