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Join the 4th LEAHN Consultation (Toronto): Police, drugs and harm reduction

Police, drugs and harm reduction: the police role in changing drug policy environments

4th LEAHN Consultation:

The police role in changing drug policy environments

St James Cathedral Centre, 65 Church St.Toronto, 19-20 October 2018

(With the 4th International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health)

Link to LEAHN Consultation Agenda

Drug policy internationally is in a state of flux: much of the world has moved from strict prohibition to (acceptance at least if not adequate promotion of) harm reduction; many countries are moving further to decriminalisation and even legalization. At the same time, there are retrograde movements in some countries, with returns to repressive and inhumane policies.

This Consultation, the fourth in the series convened by the Law Enforcement and HIV Network in collaboration with key partners, will address a range of issues related to the police role in reducing harm from the use of drugs in these changing policy environments.

Some of these themes will occupy substantial time at the Consultation; others will be worked on over the next six months and be brought to the Consultation for finalization and dissemination. The imperative with the Consultation is that it be productive and useful – we are especially keen that it has useful products and outputs. It is also important that we have all relevant voices in the room – police, civil society, government, academia.


Centre for Law Enforcement and Public Health
UN Office on Drugs and Crime
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Law Enforcement Action Partnership
International Drug Policy Consortium

Topics and lead agencies:

LEAHN            – Developing Police advocates for harm reduction

CLEPH             – Police and Supervised Injecting Facilities/Drug Consumption Rooms

UNODC           – Amphetamine-type substances Harm Reduction

Youth RISE     – A Comprehensive Package to Reduce Drug-Related Harms in Young People incl. Guidelines for police dealing with young drug users

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and HIV Justice Worldwide

– Police Discretion in the service of health goals

CLEPH, LEAP, IDPC and Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

– Law enforcement input to CND 2019 – police support for drug policy reform

If you have any questions, or wish to have input to the program or be involved in working on any of these themes, please contact Nick Crofts at nick.crofts@unimelb.edu.au

Link to LEAHN Consultation Agenda

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