To prevent overdose deaths, reduce hospitalization, and help bring more people into recovery, over 65 cities around the world have established Overdose Prevention Sites (OPS), facilities where people can bring in their own drugs and use in a clean environment under supervision. As many cities in the US and worldwide move toward opening OPSs, police wonder how the change will impact their work. Join LEAP for a conversation with police who have worked with OPSs from Canada and Denmark about the everyday benefits and challenges of policing a city with OPSs.
Inspector Bill Spearn, Vancouver Police Department, Canada
Staff Sergeant Conor King, Victoria Police Department, Canada
Superintendent Henrik Oryé (Ret.), Copenhagen Police, Denmark
Moderator: Chief Tom Synan, Newtown Police Department, Ohio
The Law Enforcement Action Partnership (LEAP) is a nonprofit organization of police, judges, and prosecutors who speak from firsthand experience in support of harm reduction, drug policy reform, and other changes to the criminal justice system.
The Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association (GLEPHA) is a not for profit, membership-based association whose Mission is to promote research, understanding and practice at the intersection of law enforcement and public health.
Watch the webinar here